Monday, January 31, 2011


Επιστολή στον ΟΗΕ

Εμείς οι Μακεδόνες
προφυλάσσοντας την αξιοπρέπειά μας
και σεβόμενοι την Ελληνική καταγωγή μας και την Ελληνική πολιτιστική κληρονομιά μας 

Δηλώνουμε ότι

1.      Είμαστε γηγενείς κάτοικοι του γεωγραφικού χώρου, από τις λίμνες των Πρεσπών έως τον ποταμό Νέστο, ανατολικά της οροσειράς της Πίνδου, και από το όρος Όλυμπος έως το όρος Όρβηλος, και είμαστε Έλληνες λόγω όμαιμου, ομόθρησκου, ομόγλωσσου και ομότροπου, όπως αναφέρουν όλοι οι αρχαίοι συγγραφείς.
·        Έγγραφο 1: «Τα όρια της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας»
·        Έγγραφο 2: «Η ταυτότητα των Μακεδόνων μέσα από τα αρχαία κείμενα»

2.      Αυτοπροσδιοριστήκαμε ως Μακεδόνες, εδώ και χιλιάδες χρόνια, από το όνομα του Μακεδόνα, υιού του μέγιστου Θεού των αρχαίων Ελλήνων του Δία και της Θυίας, αδελφού του Μάγνητα και ανιψιού του Έλληνα, και ονομάσαμε Μακεδονία την περιοχή που κατοικούμε. Η λέξεις Μακεδόνας και Μακεδονία προέρχονται από την Ελληνική λέξη “μάκος” που σημαίνει μακρύς- υψηλός.
·        Έγγραφο 3: «Μυθολογική παράδοση των αρχαίων Ελλήνων»

3.      Από τότε μέχρι σήμερα ζούμε συνεχώς στον γεωγραφικό χώρο της Μακεδονίας και, διατηρώντας την ιδιαίτερη Μακεδονική μας ταυτότητα, συμμετέχουμε ενεργά σε κάθε φάση της Ελληνικής ιστορίας, μαζί με τους Θρακιώτες, Ηπειρώτες, Θεσσαλούς, Κρητικούς και όλους τους άλλους Έλληνες.
·         Έγγραφο 4: «Η συνεχής παρουσία των Μακεδόνων στην Ελληνική ιστορία»

4.      Ως γηγενείς κάτοικοι του γεωγραφικού χώρου της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας, ως γηγενείς Μακεδόνες, με βάση την ελεύθερη βούλησή μας και την διακήρυξη των δικαιωμάτων των γηγενών πληθυσμών του ΟΗΕ (άρθρα 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 26, 33, 42), έχουμε Ελληνική καταγωγή και εθνικότητα. Λίγοι από εμάς, ομιλούν, παράλληλα με τα Ελληνικά, και ένα Σλαβoφανές τοπικό γλωσσικό ιδίωμα, που το ονομάζουμε “Εντόπικα”. Το μίλησαν λόγω συγκεκριμένων ιστορικών καταστάσεων της περιοχής τους και δεν σημαίνει ότι χάσανε την Ελληνικότητά τους.
·         Έγγραφο 5: «Το σλαβοφανές τοπικό γλωσσικό ιδίωμα, τα ”Eντόπικα”»

5.      Δεν δεχόμαστε να παραχωρήσουμε το προγονικό μας όνομα “Μακεδόνας” και την ιστορική και πολιτιστική ταυτότητά μας στον πολυεθνικό πληθυσμό της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. Η Π.Γ.Δ.Μ αποτελείται επίσημα από είκοσι μία (21) εθνότητες με κυρίαρχες αυτές των Σλάβων και των Αλβανών.
·         Έγγραφο 6: «Επίσημες απογραφές του πληθυσμού της περιοχής των Σκοπίων»
·         Έγγραφο 7: «Η ταυτότητα των Σλάβων της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ.»

6.      Δεν δεχόμαστε να ονομαστεί “Μακεδονία” η περιοχή των Σκοπίων, για να εξυπηρετήσουμε τα επεκτατικά σχέδια των κυβερνήσεων της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. εις βάρος της Ελλάδος. Η περιοχή των Σκοπίων ποτέ δεν περιλαμβανόταν μέσα στα όρια της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας, μέσα στα όρια της οποίας κατοικούμε ανέκαθεν εμείς οι Μακεδόνες.
·         Έγγραφο 1: «Τα όρια της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας»
·         Έγγραφο 8: «Φωτογραφίες αξιωματούχων της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ μπροστά σε χάρτη της “Μεγάλης Μακεδονίας”»

7.      Δεν νομιμοποιούμε κανέναν πολιτικό της Ελλάδος να παραχωρήσει το όνομά μας  “Μακεδόνας” στον Σλαβικό πληθυσμό της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. αποδεχόμενος σύνθετο όνομα ή γεωγραφικό προσδιορισμό που θα περιέχει τον όρο “Μακεδονία” ή παράγωγό του στην οριστική ονομασία της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. Οι Έλληνες πολιτικοί δεσμεύονται από την απόφαση της σύσκεψης των πολιτικών αρχηγών της 13/04/1992 στην Αθήνα, υπό την προεδρία του Προέδρου της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας. Σε αυτήν αποφασίσθηκε να μην δεχθούμε να περιλαμβάνεται το όνομα “Μακεδονία” ή παράγωγά του στην οριστική ονομασία της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. Η απόφαση αυτή ανταποκρίνεται πλήρως στην θέληση του Ελληνικού λαού και μπορεί να αλλάξει μόνον με Δημοψήφισμα, το οποίο είναι η δημοκρατικότερη λύση για ένα τόσο σημαντικό θέμα.
·         Έγγραφο 7: «Η ταυτότητα των Σλάβων της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ.»


1.      Να σεβαστείτε τον αυτοπροσδιορισμό μας ως Μακεδόνων, εδώ και χιλιάδες χρόνια.

2.      Να σεβαστείτε την Μακεδονική ιστορική και πολιτιστική μας ταυτότητα, μέσα στα πλαίσια του Ελληνικού πολιτισμού.

3.      Nα εμποδίσετε την ιστορική και πολιτιστική λεηλασία που υφιστάμεθα, ως γηγενής πληθυσμός Μακεδόνων Ελλήνων, από την κρατική προπαγάνδα της ΠΓΔΜ. Αυτή η προπαγάνδα οικειοποιείται το όνομά μας και την Ελληνική ιστορική και πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά για να Σλαβοποιήσει μέρος της Ελληνικής ιστορίας και να αποσπάσει Ελληνικά εδάφη.
·         Έγγραφο 8: «Φωτογραφίες αξιωματούχων της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ μπροστά σε χάρτη της “Μεγάλης Μακεδονίας”»

4.      Να προστατέψετε τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα του γηγενούς πληθυσμού Μακεδόνων  Ελλήνων που κατοικούν μέχρι σήμερα στις νότιες περιοχές της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. Ειδικότερα, να τους βοηθήσετε να αποκτήσουν το δικαίωμα α) δήλωσης της Ελληνικής εθνικής καταγωγής τους στις απογραφές του πληθυσμού, και β) της ελεύθερης άσκησης των θρησκευτικών τους καθηκόντων σε Εκκλησίες αναγνωρισμένες από τα Ορθόδοξα Πατριαρχεία.
·        Έγγραφο 6: «Επίσημες απογραφές πληθυσμού στην περιοχή της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ.»
·        Έγγραφο 9: «Εκκλησιαστικά προβλήματα στην Π.Γ.Δ.Μ.»

5.      Να μην επιτρέψετε να μετατραπεί ο γεωγραφικά προσδιοριστικός όρος “Μακεδόνας” σε εθνολογικό προσδιορισμό του Σλαβικού πληθυσμού της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. Αυτός ο πληθυσμός, ο οποίος είναι η πλειοψηφία στην Π.Γ.Δ.Μ., μιλά Σλαβικά (μπορούν εύκολα να τους καταλαβαίνουν όλοι οι Σλαβικοί λαοί, Βούλγαροι, Σέρβοι, Κροάτες, Ρώσοι κλπ), και γράφει με το Kυριλλικό αλφάβητο, που είναι χαρακτηριστικό των Σλαβικών γλωσσών. Πρέπει να είναι υπερήφανοι που είναι Σλάβοι και κατοικούν στην περιοχή που μέχρι το 1944 ονομαζόταν Βαρδαρία. Στο τμήμα ιστορίας του πανεπιστημίου των Σκοπίων διδάσκονται ότι οι Σλάβοι προγονοί τους εμφανίσθηκαν στην Βαλκανική χερσόνησο μετά το 600 μ.Χ. (Έγγραφο 7: «Η ταυτότητα των Σλάβων της Π.ΓΔ.Μ.»).  Αυτό σημαίνει ότι εμφανίστηκαν 900 έτη μετά τον θάνατο του Αλέξανδρου Γ’ του Μέγα (356-323 π.Χ.), Βασιλιά της Μακεδονίας και Αρχιστράτηγου των Ελλήνων εναντίον των Περσών, και είναι αδύνατη οποιαδήποτε φυλετική συγγένεια με εμάς τους Μακεδόνες, που κατοικούμε ανέκαθεν στον γεωγραφικό χώρο της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας.

6.      Να μην πιέζετε τους Έλληνες πολιτικούς να αποδεχτούν τον όρο “Μακεδονία”, στην οριστική ονομασία του πολυεθνικού κράτους της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ., μέσω των ιστορικά απαράδεκτων και προσβλητικών για εμάς προτάσεων του εκάστοτε ειδικού διαμεσολαβητή του ΟΗΕ. Η περιοχή της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. βρίσκεται στα κεντρικά Βαλκάνια και διαρρέεται από τον ποταμό Βαρδάρη. Αυτή η περιοχή, το 1944, εντελώς αυθαίρετα και ανιστόρητα, μετονομάσθηκε από Βαρδαρία σε Μακεδονία, για πολιτικούς και επεκτατικούς λόγους από τον Κομουνιστή ηγέτη της Γιουγκοσλαβίας Τίτο. (Έγγραφο 10: «Έγγραφο του Υπουργού Εξωτερικών των ΗΠΑ Edward Stettinius, 26 Δεκεμβρίου1944»). Όλοι γνωρίζουμε ότι τα σωστότερα ονόματα για την οριστική ονομασία του νέου αυτού πολυεθνικού κράτους είναι “Κεντροβαλκανική Δημοκρατία” ή “Δημοκρατία του Βαρδάρη”.

7.      Να υπενθυμίσετε σε όλα τα κράτη μέλη σας ότι αυτό το νέο πολυεθνικό κράτος είναι αναγνωρισμένο επίσημα από τον Οργανισμό Ηνωμένων Εθνών (ΟΗΕ) με το προσωρινό όνομα «Πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβική Δημοκρατία της Μακεδονίας» (Π.Γ.Δ.Μ.) και να τους προτρέψετε να σεβαστούν αυτήν την απόφαση για να διατηρήσετε το κύρος και την αξιοπιστία του ΟΗΕ ως κορυφαίου διεθνούς οργανισμού. Όποιος χρησιμοποιεί το όνομα “Μακεδονία” για το όνομα της Π.Γ.Δ.Μ. παραβιάζει την διεθνή νομιμότητα και δεν σέβεται την ιστορική αλήθεια. Αυτό προκαλεί αγανάκτηση στο σύνολο των Ελλήνων, και ιδιαίτερα σε εμάς τους Μακεδόνες, επίσης, προκαλεί αγανάκτηση σε όλους τους ανθρώπους, σε όλον τον κόσμο, που γνωρίζουν ιστορία και δεν έχουν πολιτικές σκοπιμότητες.
·        Έγγραφο 11: «Επιστολή του Καθηγητή αρχαιολογίας του Πανεπιστημίου της Καλιφόρνιας Berkeley (ΗΠΑ), Stephen Miller στο περιοδικό “Αρχαιολογία” των Η.Π.Α.»
·        Έγγραφο 12: «Επιστολή 370 καθηγητών Πανεπιστημίου από όλον τον κόσμο προς τον Πρόεδρο των Η.Π.Α. κ. Barack  Obama»


   Τον Γενικό Γραμματέα του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών κ. Ban Ki Moun, τον ειδικό διαμεσολαβητή κ. Matthew Nimitz, τον προϊστάμενο οιασδήποτε αρμόδιας υπηρεσίας σας ή οποιονδήποτε άλλον εκπρόσωπό σας, να τον φιλοξενήσουμε και να τον ξεναγήσουμε στoυς παρακάτω αρχαιολογικούς χώρους, για να διαπιστώσετε την Ελληνικότητα και την συνέχεια των αρχαίων και των σημερινών πραγματικών Μακεδόνων:
·         Στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο των αρχαίων Αιγών (πρώτης πρωτεύουσας του Μακεδονικού Βασιλείου),
·         Στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο της αρχαίας Πέλλας (δεύτερης και τελευταίας πρωτεύουσας του Μακεδονικού Βασιλείου),
·         Στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο του Δίου (ιερή πόλη των αρχαίων Μακεδόνων στους πρόποδες του όρους Όλυμπος, κατοικία των δώδεκα Θεών των αρχαίων Ελλήνων),
·         Στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Αιανής Κοζάνης στην Άνω Μακεδονία (κοιτίδα των Μακεδόνων),
·         Στους Μακεδονικούς τάφους των Δήμων Πέλλας, Νάουσσας, Βέρροιας και άλλων περιοχών της Περιφέρειας Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας της Ελλάδος,
·         Στο αρχαιολογικό μουσείο της Θεσσαλονίκης.


Letter to the United Nations

We, the Macedonians
Defending our dignity
and respecting our Hellenic ancestry and our Hellenic cultural heritage

We declare that

1.      We are indigenous residents of the geographical area between Prespes Lakes and the Nestos river, east of Pindos mountain range, and between Olympus and Orvilos mountains, and we are Hellenes (Greeks) due to common blood, common religion, common language and common ways of living as it is mentioned by all ancient writers.
·        Document 1: «The geographical boundaries of historical Macedonia»
·        Document 2: «The identity of Macedonians in the ancient texts»

2.      We have identified ourselves as Macedonians, since thousands of years, from the name of Macedon (who was the son of the greatest ancient Hellene God Zeus and Thyia, brother of Magnes and nephew of Hellen) and we call Macedonia, the land we live in. The word Macedon comes from the Hellenic word “makos” which means long or tall.
·        Document 3: «Mythological tradition of ancient Hellenes»

3.      Since then, we live in the geographical area of Macedonia and, maintaining our specific Macedonian identity, we participate in any phase of the Hellenic history along with the Thracians (Residents of Thrace), Epirotes (Residents of Epirus), Cretans (Residents of the island of Crete) and along with other Hellenes.
·        Document 4: «The continuous presence of Macedonians in the Hellenic history»

4.      As indigenous people in the geographical area of historical Macedonia, as indigenous Macedonians, according to our free will and the United Nations’ Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Article 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 26, 33, 42), our ancestry and our ethnicity is Hellenic. A small part of us, speak, in parallel with the Hellenic language, and a quasi-Slavic local idiom, which we call “Endopika”. (the word “Endopika” means “local” in the Hellenic language). They speak this local idiom due to some specific historical conditions in their geographical area, and this does not mean that they have lost their Hellenic identity.
·        Document 5: «The quasi-Slavic local idiom “Endopika “»

5.      We do not accept to give up our ancestral name “Macedonian” and our historical and cultural identity to the multinational population of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.). The F.Y.R.O.M. officially consists from twenty-one (21) nationalities, in which Slav and Albanian are the predominant ones.
·        Document 6: «Official censuses in the region of Skopje»
·        Document 7: «The identity of Slavs in the area of F.Y.R.O.M

6.      We do not accept that the area of Skopje will be called “Macedonia” in order to facilitate the expansionist plans of the government of F.Y.R.O.M. against Hellas. The area of Skopje was never included in the historical boundaries of Macedonia, where we the Macedonians always lived.
·        Document 1: «The geographical boundaries of historical Macedonia»
·        Document 8: «Photographs of F.Y.R.O.M.’s government members in front of the map of the “Great Macedonia»

7.      We do not authorize any politician of Hellas to give up our name “Macedonian” to the Slavic population of the F.Y.R.O.M. by accepting a compound name or a geographical complement containing the term “Macedonia” or any of its derivatives to be included in the permanent name of F.Y.R.O.M. The politicians of Hellas are bind by the summit of the political leaders which took place on 04/13/1992 in Athens, under the President of the Hellenic Republic which decided to not accept the inclusion of the term “Macedonia” and any of its derivatives in the permanent name of F.Y.R.O.M. This official decision reflects fully the will of the Hellenic people and can be changed only by a referendum, which is the most democratic solution for such a critical issue.
·        Document 7: «The identity of Slavs in the area of F.Y.R.O.M

We request

1.      To respect our self-identification as Macedonians, which has been existing for thousands of years.

2.      To respect our Macedonian historical and cultural identity, within the Hellenic civilization.

3.      To prevent our historical and cultural plundering which exist, as indigenous Macedonian Hellenes, from the state propaganda of F.Y.R.O.M. This propaganda is aiming at the appropriation of our name, our historical and cultural heritage in order to present a big part of our Hellenic history as Slavic so as to claim land from Hellas.
·        Document 8: «Photographs of F.Y.R.O.M.’s government members in front of the maps of the “Great Macedonia”»

4.      To protect the human rights of indigenous Macedonian Hellenes, who have been living up to now in the southern part of the territory of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (F.Y.R.O.M.). Specially assist them to acquire their human right a) to declare their Hellenic ethnic ancestry in the census, and b) to freely practice their religion in “canonical” churches.
·        Document 6: «Official censuses in the region of F.Y.R.O.M.»
·        Document.9: «Ecclesiastic problems in F.Y.R.O.M.»

5.      Do not allow the change of the geographical term “Macedonian” to an ethnic terminology, for the Slav population of F.Y.R.O.M. This population, is the majority in F.Y.R.O.M.,  speaks Slavic (they can be easily understood by other Slavic people such as Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Russians and others), and write with the Cyrillic alphabet, which is the specific characteristic of Slavic languages. They should be proud to be Slavs and live in an area which was called Vardaria (Vardarska) until 1944. The department of History in the University of Skopje teaches that their Slavs ancestors appeared in the Balkans after 600 AD. (Document 7: «The identity of Slavs in the area of F.Y.R.O.M) This means that their Slav ancestors appeared 900 years after the death of Alexander III the Great (356-323 BC) King of Macedonia and Commander in chief of the Hellenes against the Persians. Moreover it is impossible that they have any racial affinity with us, the Macedonians, who have always lived in the geographical area of historical Macedonia.

6.      Do not put a pressure on the politicians of Hellas to accept the termMacedonia”, in the final name of the multinational state of F.Y.R.O.M., by providing proposals of United Nation’s (UN) special negotiator, which are totally unhistorical and offensive to us. The area of F.Y.R.O.M. is located in the central Balkans and the river Vardar flows through of this area. This area, in 1944, completely arbitrarily and against the historical truth, was renamed from Vardaria (Vardarska) to Macedonia for political and expansionistic reasons by the Communist leader of Yugoslavia Tito. (Document 10: «Circular telegram 868.014/26Dec1944. Edward Stettinius U.S. Secretary of State»). Everyone knows that the most accurate names for the definitive name of this new multinational state are “Republic of Central Balkan” or “Republic of Vardaria (Vardarska)”.

7.      To remind to all the states in the world that this new multinational state has been temporarily recognized by the United Nations as «Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia» (F.Y.R.O.M.) and urge them to respect this decision in order to maintain the prestige and credibility of the United Nations as the supreme international organization. Anyone who uses the name “Macedonia” instead of F.Y.R.O.M. as a name for this state, breaks the international law and does not respect the historical truth. This causes resentment to all the Hellenes and especially to us the Macedonians. This also causes resentment to all the people, all over the world, who know history and don’t have any political agenda.
·         Document 11: «Letter from Stephen Miller, Professor of Archaeology, University of California, Berkeley (USA) to the magazine “Archaeology” in USA»
·         Document 12: «Letter from 370 University Professors, all over the world, to the President of USA Barack Obama»

We do invite

   The Honorable Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Ban Ki Moun, the special negotiator Mr. Matthew Nimitz, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and any other of your official representative, to host and guide them in the following archaeological sites, in order to ascertain the Hellenic identity and the continuity of ancient and contemporary real Macedonians:
·         In the archaeological site of Aiges (the first capital of the Macedonian Kingdom),
·         In the archaeological site of Pella (the second and last capital of the Macedonian Kingdom),
·         In the archaeological site of Dion (the sacred town of Macedonians at the foot of Mount Olympus, the home of the twelve Hellenic Gods),
·         In the archaeological site of Aiani Kozani in the Upper Macedonia (the cradle of Macedonians),
·         In the ancient Macedonian tombs which were found in the municipalities of Pella, Naοussa, Verroia and in other places of  the Region of Central Macedonia in Hellas,
·         In the archaeological museum of Thessaloniki.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Article in Skopje's NovaMakedonija:

"Greece will tell "" the truth"  about Alexander in the Louvre"

Author: Vesna Damcevski

The exhibition "Ancient Macedonia: Alexander the Great Kingdom," 

which organized by the Thessaloniki Archaeological Museum will 

open in October at the Paris Louvre, not a great general like 

achievements, but also sends a political message that Alexander is 

Greek. In such a case necessarily have to respond, experts 


Greeks lead enhanced anti campaign, announcing the big exhibition 
"Ancient Macedonia: Alexander the Great's Kingdom," which will open
in October at the world's largest museum - Paris Louvre. Although 
October is far, preparations for the exhibition are reaching their end, 
the exhibits are ready to leave Greece, but it does not pass without 
provocation and that "Alexander is Greek"and that "the world 
should finally find out about it."

Everything would be fine if the show, like any other, represents the 
greatest general as achievements, but once such a big staging is 
done to send a political message, necessarily have to react.

"we need to respond to intellectual level, the 
reaction to come from some 
intellectual circles. And I would do it, 
but at a higher level, true, as it 
- Not literally to protest, it would 
be under each level. But we need 
to respond to intellectual level, the 
reaction to come from some 
intellectual circles. And I would 
do it, but at a higher level, true, 
as it should. But I think generally
we lack a strategy for how to 
protect its own existence and 
history - says Pasko Kuzman, 
director of the State "Office for 
Protection of Cultural Heritage".
According to Kuzman, MANU 
should have a "doctrine"(!!!) 
on these issues, as have all other academies in the world (???) and of 
course the state.(!!!)
It's no wonder that Yugoslavs did not get too far with such confusing doctrines!

- We should have a strategic position on this matter. I think in this particular 
case with an exhibition of Alexander in the Louvre must act somehow, and 
the like - should be considered - says Kuzman.

According to him, the Macedonian Embassy in Paris needs to follow what 
happens there and react. But embassies usually do not do it.

- When I was in Paris, in the library Pompidou, it had Slavic books. There was a place 
where there was the department with books from all republics of Yugoslavia. And they were all filled 
with books, exchept from (Slavo-)Macedonian. She stood just a dictionary of the (Slavo-)Macedonian 
language in three volumes, which was cut with a razor, and the word 
"Macedonian" was removed and on it was written "Bulgarian". 
Then I thought, so  why we do have embassy here? - Says Kuzman.

He otherwise is amazed that the show, announced this, you can pass in 
France, as he says, knowing the political position of France, which certainly
is pro-Greek.

- We are unique in the world that we have state formation that bears the 
name of the great general and we have a right to it.  
"... the name of the great general and we have a right to it"

On one level, as a cultural heritage, the term Macedonia is connected to 
all the people who bear that name - says Kuzman.

According to writer and former ambassador to France Luan Starova, the 
Louvre is a global institution, which hardly fell in a political dictate, but if so,
must respond.

- In depandansite the Louvre when I was ambassador, had an exhibition 
"medieval heritage of the Republic of (Slavo-)Macedonia, under its constitutional 
name. She opened Jacques Chirac. Went very well, without any political
Louvre is a serious institution, there are exhibitions draw 4-5 years in 
advance and I'm sure the most important art exhibition. But the politicization 
of this event and putting him in a political context over art is 
wrong. In this case, our institutions, the Ministry of Culture, in particular, 
could react. I do not see that the state should do it. But certainly harmful 
for relations and for the future to put the personality of Alexander the political 
context - says the old.

According to him, we should find a measure of how you react, and you should 
first examine the case. 

- Our Embassy there should examine what it is. We have concluded an 
agreement for cultural cooperation with France, so in the future may consider
and we performed our ancient treasure there, with the legacy of the territory 
of Macedonia - says the old.

According to our former diplomats in France, if the "Louvre" as a state 
institution placed something that is offensive to (Slavo-)Macedonia we will have to react,
but if an employee at the Louvre said an inconsistency or if the Greek 
campaign, it should not treated as a position of France as a country.
- If Greece try to prove nekakvasi grchkost through this exhibition, scientific 
circles it will be seen as ridiculous, and the public will not even go into this 
question, perhaps a French newspaper will publish an article so. The 
exhibition will certainly be monitored by experts, so if there's a lie - it will be 
pointed out - as this diplomatic source provenance.
Ambassador Agron Buxhaku all day yesterday was the meeting, informed the 
Macedonian Embassy in Paris.

What?!!! Alexander was not a Skopian?!!!
French "knew" that 
Alexander is Greek?

Greek media, and more independent 
Greek web sites, recently passed 
through the exhibition at Paris' 
Louvre, organized by the 
Archaeological Museum in 
Thessaloniki will send a clear 
political message that Greece has 
the exclusive right over Alexander.  
Pan-European online magazine 
"recently published a paper for the exhibition which said:" Maybe
October is not very close, but the preparations, however, almost completed, 
and artifacts will be sent from Greece to France. Curator of the 
department of Greco-Roman antiquity to the 'Louvre', Mrs. Sophie Deshan 
traveled through all Macedonian cities in Northern Greece to select 
668 objects that will travel to Paris. "

The site is transferred and the statement of the said Sophie Deshan given on 
Tuesday during her visit to Thessaloniki:

"The French know that Alexander's Greek, not (Slavo-)Macedonian. Things are 
a bit confusing. They know that Macedonia, the birthplace of Alexander the Great, 
is part of Greece. The exhibition will be a great opportunity for all 
visitors to the 'Louvre' to learn about Alexander the Great, his origins and the 
timeliness of his myth. "

Among Greek comments on this post on the Internet has such "Alexander 
the Great in the 'Louvre'! Skopjans prove this wrong if you can!" After two 
years of preparations, with archaeological finds from many Greek 
museums, as well as French, here are a total of 668 exhibits! "Let's see now 
our Slavic neighbors protest in front of the museum that Macedonia is not 
..they will protest about what?!!!
Greek! They will not 
do so, because the 
facts do not lie as 
they (Skopjans) lie! "

Greek team of 
"Kafebabel" last 
Saturday organized 
a discussion of this 
topic in the coffee-
bookshop "Publik" 
in Athens, in which, 
as stated, FYROM's
name was the issue 
and the reason was to exchange arguments, which, 
according to a text, were not nationalistic in tone.

The discussion was opened by the famous Greek historian Thanos Veremis of 
the University of Athens  who presented the sociopolitichkite factors that had an 
important role in the formulation of an ethnic identity that is completely different 
from that of the Greeks and Bulgarians, and that is a Slavomakedonskiot identity"
Thanasis Papandropoulos, President of the Association of European Journalists, 
meanwhile, suggested that the best option is the name "Northern Macedonia".

George Kokolis, who teaches at Imperial College London, said: "The creation 
of the problem by Tito in Yugoslavia, the theory of our neighbors of FYROM 
as an independent non-Greek Macedonian nation directly related to the ancient 
tribe of Macedonians and the decision of the Greek nation to appoint her as 
FYROM Vardar are some of the myths and 'arguments' that he do in the 
realm of reality. "
Some attendees thought that even the term "Northern Macedonia" is dangerous 
for the Greek-Macedonian heritage, and that it is most appropriate (for FYROM)
to be called "Slavomakedonija".

Catalogue for the exhibition would send a political message

Exhibition to 1,200 square feet will present a total of 668, and a copy of the 
mosaic of the Archaeological Museum in Thessaloniki. Of course, there will 
be no artιfacts from fYRoMacedonia, although one of its exhibition format 
dedicated to Alexander of Macedon is supposed to include the entire 
inheritance to refer to this historical figure, not only what has Greece 
(obviously the same grievance can also be raised by Egypt, Romania, 
Bulgarian, Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, 
Iraq and Iran, among other places, but this is a Greek & French organized 
exhibit. The Skopians and the Hunza will have to organize their own exhibit on 
Czar Aleksandar Slavomakedonskiot Han).

As announced, there will be parts of the palace at Vergina, the remains of the 
tomb of Philip II and other tombs of Macedonia and other regions, will be 
exhibited along with artifacts Louvre owns since 1917.

In the French capital from October to February next year will be distributed 
catalog of ancient Macedonia, which was prepared two years. In the catalog 
he wrote famous Greek archaeologists will be able to read about Macedonia 
from the bronze age up to the 6th c. AD, spread the Kingdom of Alexander, after 
Alexander of Macedonia and the Macedonian society. According to Greek 
media, and through the catalog which will be presented archaeological wealth 
will send a clear political message.

Greece plans upon returning to the exhibition from the Louvre for two 
years to present works in five museums in Thessaloniki, which will 
mark the 100th anniversary of the liberation of the city.

The official website of the Louvre has no spectacular announcement 
of the show - yet. First exhibition for Alexander in the Louvre was 
announced in 2007, responding to the renaming of Skopje airport 
"Alexander the Great." Greek media then announced grandiose 
exhibition in Paris Louvre Museum, stating that "organizers hope the 
exhibition will be a good answer to all those in Skopje are trying to 
adopt Greek history.

And Germany's controversial exhibition of Alexander

 Major international exhibition devoted to Alexander of Macedon 

was opened last year at the Museum "Kunshthale" in Leoben city, 

central Austria. The exhibition was set more than 400 artifacts from 

25 museums around the world including the Louvre, the British 

Museum, the Museum in St. Petersburg, and the national museum 

of Tajikistan and Afghanistan.

Presenting the exhibition, former director of the Vienna Museum 

of Art History Bilfrit Zampel a press conference called Alexander 

the Macedonian "one of the most important, if not the most important 

figure in the history of mankind."

The exhibition moved to Austria from the German city of Mannheim, 

where under the title "Alexander the Great and the opening of the 

World" was also set. We then postanovkata not without provocation. 

Alexander the Great was NOT a Yugoslav?

Namely, the German museum Rice 

Engelhorn open sided (wow!) with 

the Greek historians, claiming that the 

(Slavo)Macedonian people are not the 

successor of Alexander of Macedon!

"Alexander was Greek and 

actually in no way could he 

ever be the ancestor of today's Slav-Macedonians", said in 

November last year, at the opening of the exhibition, the 

German museum director Alfred Viczorek. 








Изложбата „Античка Македонија: Кралството на Александар 

Велики“, која во организација на Археолошкиот музеј од Солун 

ќе биде отворена во октомври во париски „Лувр“, не го 

претставува големиот војсководец како цивилизациска 

придобивка, туку испраќа политичка порака дека Александар 

е Грк. Во таков случај неизоставно мора да се реагира, 

едногласна е стручната јавност

Грците водат засилена антимакедонска кампања, најавувајќи
ја големата изложба „Античка Македонија: Кралството на
Александар Велики“, која ќе биде отворена во октомври во
најголемите светски музеј - париски „Лувр“. Иако октомври е далеку,
подготовките за изложбата се приведуваат кон крај, експонатите се
подготвени да ја напуштат Грција, но сето тоа не поминува и без
провокациите дека „Александар е Грк“ и дека „светот треба конечно
да го дознае тоа“.

Сé би било во ред доколу изложбата, како и секоја друга, го
претставува големиот војсководец како цивилизациска придобивка,
но кога една вака голема постановка се прави за да се испрати
политичка порака, неизоставно мора да се реагира.

- Не буквално да се протестира, тоа би било под секое ниво. Но
треба да се реагира на интелектуално ниво, реакцијата да дојде
од извесни интелектуални кругови. И јас би го направил тоа, но на
повисоко ниво, вистински, како што треба. Но мислам дека генерално
ни недостига стратегија за тоа како да си ги заштитиме сопственото
постоење и историја - вели Паско Кузман, директор на Управата за
заштита на културно наследство.
Според Кузман, МАНУ треба да има една доктрина во врска со овие
прашања, како што имаат сите други академии во светот, а се разбира
и државата.

- Треба да имаме стратегиски став во врска со оваа работа. Мислам
дека во овој случај со конкретната изложба на Александар во „Лувр“
мора да постапиме некако, а како - треба да се размисли - вели

Според него, македонската амбасада во Париз треба да следи што
се случува таму и да реагира. Но амбасадите најчесто не го прават

- Кога бев во Париз, во библиотеката во „Помпиду“ имаше книги
од целсвет. На местото каде што беше Југославија имаше оддели
за сите републики. И сите беа полни со книги, освен македонскиот.
Стоеше само еден речник на македонскиот јазик во три тома, кој
беше испосечен со жилет, а зборот „македонски“ беше пречкртан и
врз него беше напишано „бугарски“. Тогаш си реков, па имаме ли
ние амбасада тука? - вели Кузман.

Тој инаку не е зачуден што изложбата, вака најавена, може да
помине во Франција, како што вели, познавајќи го политичкиот
став на Франција, кој секако е прогрчки.

- Ние сме единствени во светот што имаме државна формација што
го носи името на големиот војсководец и имаме право на тоа. На
едно ниво, како културно наследство, поимот Македонија е поврзан
со сите личности што го носат тоа име - вели Кузман.

Според писателот и поранешен амбасадор во Франција Луан
Старова, „Лувр“ е светска институција, која тешко би потпаднала
на некој политички диктат, но доколку е така, мора да реагираме.

- Во депандансите на „Лувр“, кога бев амбасадор, имаше изложба „
Средновековното богатство на Република Македонија“, и тоа под
уставното име. Ја отвори Жак Ширак. Помина многу добро, без
никакви политички конотации. „Лувр“ е сериозна институција,
таму изложбите се подготвуваат по 4-5 години однапред и сигурен
сум дека е најбитна уметничката поставка. Но политизацијата на
овој настан и негово ставање во политички контекст над
уметничкиот не е во ред. Во тој случај нашите институции,
Министерството за култура, пред сé, би можеле да реагираат. Не
гледам дека државата би требало да го прави тоа. Но секако штетно
е за односите и за иднината да се става личноста на Александар во
политички контекст - вели Старова.

Според него, треба да се најде мерка како ќе се реагира, а прво треба
да се испита случајот.
- Нашата амбасада таму треба да испита за што се работи. Ние имаме
склучено и договор за културна соработка со Франција, па во иднина
може да се разгледа можноста и ние да настапиме со нашето античко
богатство таму, со наследството од територијата на Македонија -
вели Старова.

Според наши поранешни дипломати во Франција, ако „Лувр“ како
државна институција пласира нешто што е навредливо за Македонија
ќе треба да се реагира, но ако некој вработен во „Лувр“ кажал некоја
недоследност или ако се работи за грчка кампања, тоа не треба да
се третира како позиција на државата Франција.
- Ако Грција се обиде да докажува некакваси грчкост преку оваа
изложба, од научните кругови тоа ќе биде гледано како смешно, а
јавноста нема ни да навлегува во ова прашање, можеби некој
француски весник ќе објави некоја статија и толку. Изложбата
секако ќе биде под мониторинг на стручната јавност, па ако има
лага - таа ќе биде посочена - смета овој извор со дипломатска
Амбасадорот Агрон Буџаку вчера цел ден бил на состанок, информираа
од македонската амбасада во Париз.

Французите „знаеле“ дека Александар е Грк?!

Грчките медиуми, и повеќе независни грчки веб-сајтови, деновиве
пренесуваат дека преку изложбата во париски „Лувр“, која ја
организира Археолошкиот музеј во Солун, ќе се испрати јасна
политичка порака дека Грција има ексклузивно право врз
Александар. Паневропскиот онлајн-магазин „Кафебабел“ деновиве
објави текст за изложбата во кој се вели: „Можеби октомври не е
многу блиску, но подготовките, како и да е, речиси се завршени,
па артефактите ќе бидат испратени од Грција за Франција.
Кураторката на одделот за грчко-романска антика на ‘Лувр’,
госпоѓата Софи Дешан патуваше низ сите македонски градови во
Северна Грција за да селектира 668 предмети што ќе патуваат во

На сајтот е пренесена и изјавата на споменатата Софи Дешан,
дадена во вторникот при нејзината посета на Солун:

„Французите знаат дека Александар е Грк, а не Македонец.
Работите се малку збунувачки. Тие не знаат дека Македонија,
родното место на Александар Велики, е дел од Грција. Изложбата
ќе биде голема можност за сите посетители на ‘Лувр’ да дознаат
за Александар Велики, неговото потекло и за безвременоста на
неговиот мит“.

Меѓу грчките коментари на овој пост на Интернет има и вакви:
„Александар Велики во ‘Лувр’! Скопјани докажете дека грешиме
ако можете! По две години подготовки, со археолошки пронајдоци
од многу грчки музеи, како и француски, еве ги, вкупно 668
експонати! Да ги видиме сега нашите словенски соседи да
протестираат пред музејот дека Македонија не е грчка! Тоа нема да
го направат, бидејќи фактите не лажат како што лажат тие!“

Грчкиот тим на „Кафебабел“ минатата сабота организирал и
дискусија на оваа тема во кафе-книжарницата „Паблик“ во Атина,
на која, како што се наведува, тема било името ФИРОМ како
причина да се разменат аргументите, кои, како што се вели во
текстот, не се националистички.

Дискусијата ја отворил познатиот грчки историчар Танос Веремис
од атинскиот универзитет, кој посочил на социополитичките
фактори што имале важна улога во формулацијата на „етничкиот
идентитет што е комплетно различен од оној на Грците и на
а тоа е славомакедонскиот идентитет“.
Таназис Папандропулос, претседателот на Асоцијацијата на
новинари, пак, предложил дека најдобра опција за името е
„Северна Македонија“.

Георгиос Коколис, кој предава на Кралскиот колеџ во Лондон,
изјавил: „Креирањето на проблемот од Тито во Југославија,
теоријата за нашите соседи од ФИРОМ како независна негрчка
македонска нација директно поврзана со античкото племе

Македонци, и солуцијата на грчката нација да ја именува ФИРОМ
како Вардарска се некои од митовите и ‘аргументите’ што ветреат
во доменот на реалноста“.
Некои од присутните сметале дека дури и терминот „Северна
Македонија“ е опасен за грчко-македонското наследство, а дека
најсоодветен е „Славомакедонија“.

Каталогот за изложбата ќе испрати и политичка порака

Изложбата на 1.200 квадратни метри ќе претстави вкупно 668
поставки и копија од мозаик од Археолошкиот музеј во Солун.
Се разбира, таму ќе нема артефакти од Македонија, иако една
изложба од ваков формат посветена на Александар Македонски
би требало да го вклучи целокупното наследство што се однесува
на оваа историска личност, а не само она што го поседува Грција.

Според најавите, ќе има делови од Палатата во Вергина, остатоци
од гробницата на Филип Втори и други гробници од Македонија и
од други региони, кои ќе бидат изложени заедно со артефакти што
„Лувр“ ги поседува уште од 1917 година.

Во француската престолнина од октомври годинава до февруари
идната година ќе се дистрибуира и каталог за античка Македонија,
кој бил подготвуван две години. Во каталогот што го напишале
познати грчки археолози ќе може да се прочита за Македонија од
бронзениот период до 6 век пр. н.е., ширењето на Кралството на
Александар, Македонија по Александар и за македонското
општество. Според грчките медиуми, и преку каталогот во кој ќе
биде презентирано археолошкото богатство ќе се испрати јасна
политичка порака.

Грција планира по враќањето на изложбата од „Лувр“, за две години
делата да ги презентира во пет музеи во Солун, со што ќе се
одбележи 100-годишнината од ослободувањето на градот.

На официјалната веб-страница на „Лувр“ нема спектакуларна
најава на изложбата - сé уште. Првпат изложбата за Александар во
„Лувр“ беше најавена во 2007 година, како одговор на
преименувањето на скопскиот аеродром во „Александар Велики“.
Грчките медиуми тогаш ја најавија грандиозната изложба во
парискиот музеј „Лувр“, со напомена дека „организаторите се
надеваат дека изложбата ќе биде добар одговор на сите оние во
Скопје што се обидуваат да ја присвојат грчката историја“.

И германската изложба за Александар контроверзна 
Голема меѓународна изложба посветена на Александар Македонски

лани беше отворена и во музејот „Кунштхале“, во градот Леобен, 
централна Австрија. На изложбата беа поставени повеќе од 400 
артефакти од 25 музеи од целиот свет, вклучувајќи ги „Лувр“, 
Британскиот музеј, Музејот во Санкт Петербург, како и од 
националните музеи на Таџикистан и на Авганистан.

Презентирајќи ја изложбата, поранешниот директор на виенскиот 
музеј за историја на уметноста Билфрит Зампел на прес-конференцијата 
го нарече Александар Македонски „една од најважните, ако не и 
најважната фигура во историјата на човештвото“.

Изложбата се пресели во Австрија од германскиот град Манхајм, 
каде што под насловот „Александар Велики и отворањето на светот“ 
беше исто така поставена. Ни тогаш постановката не помина без 
провокации. Имено, германскиот музеј „Рајс Енгелхорн“ отворено 
застана на страната на грчките историчари, тврдејќи дека 
македонскиот народ не е наследник на Александар Македонски.
„Александар всушност бил Грк и во никој случај не може да биде 
предок на денешните славомакедонци“, изјави во ноември лани, 
при отворањето на изложбата, директорот на германскиот музеј 
Алфред Вицзорек.